
Plugins allow you to modify how the StateMachineSkill handles an alexa event. When a plugin is registered it will use the different hooks in your skill to add functionality. If you have several skills with similar behavior then your answer is to create a plugin.

Using a plugin

After instantiating a StateMachineSkill you can register plugins on it. Built in plugins can be accessed through Voxa.plugins

'use strict';
const { VoxaApp, plugins } = require('voxa');
const Model = require('./model');
const views = require('./views'):
const variables = require('./variables');

const app = new VoxaApp({ Model, variables, views });


State Flow plugin

Stores the state transitions for every alexa event in an array.


State Flow attaches callbacks to onRequestStarted(), onBeforeStateChanged() and onBeforeReplySent() to track state transitions in a voxaEvent.flow array



const { plugins, VoxaApp } = require('voxa');
const voxaApp = new VoxaApp();

voxaApp.onBeforeReplySent((voxaEvent) => {
  console.log(voxaEvent.session.outputAttributes.flow.join(' > ')); // entry > firstState > secondState > die

Replace Intent plugin

It allows you to rename an intent name based on a regular expression. By default it will match /(.*)OnlyIntent$/ and replace it with $1Intent.

replaceIntent(app[, config])

Replace Intent plugin uses onIntentRequest() to modify the incoming request intent name

  • app (VoxaApp) – The stateMachineSkill
  • config – An object with the regex to look for and the replace value.


const app = new Voxa({ Model, variables, views });

Voxa.plugins.replaceIntent(app, { regex: /(.*)OnlyIntent$/, replace: '$1Intent' });
Voxa.plugins.replaceIntent(app, { regex: /^VeryLong(.*)/, replace: 'Long$1' });

Why OnlyIntents?

A good practice is to isolate an utterance into another intent if it contains a single slot. By creating the OnlyIntent, Alexa will prioritize this intent if the user says only a value from that slot.

Let’s explain with the following scenario. You need the user to provide a zipcode. You would have an intent called ZipCodeIntent. But you still have to manage if the user only says a zipcode without any other words. So that’s when we create an OnlyIntent. Let’s call it ZipCodeOnlyIntent.

Our utterance file will be like this:

ZipCodeIntent here is my {ZipCodeSlot}
ZipCodeIntent my zip is {ZipCodeSlot}

ZipCodeOnlyIntent {ZipCodeSlot}

But now we have two states which are basically the same. Replace Intent plugin will rename all incoming requests intents from ZipCodeOnlyIntent to ZipCodeIntent.

CloudWatch plugin

It logs a CloudWatch metric when the skill catches an error or success execution.


cloudwatch(app, cloudwatch[, eventMetric])

CloudWatch plugin uses VoxaApp.onError() and VoxaApp.onBeforeReplySent() to log metrics



const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const app = new Voxa({ Model, variables, views });

const cloudWatch = new AWS.CloudWatch({});
const eventMetric = {
  MetricName: 'Caught Error', // Name of your metric
  Namespace: 'SkillName' // Name of your skill

Voxa.plugins.cloudwatch(app, cloudWatch, eventMetric);

Autoload plugin

It accepts an adapter to autoload info into the model object coming in every alexa request.


autoLoad(app[, config])

Autoload plugin uses app.onSessionStarted to load data the first time the user opens a skill

  • app (VoxaApp) – The stateMachineSkill.
  • config – An object with an adapter key with a get Promise method in which you can handle your database access to fetch information from any resource.


const app = new VoxaApp({ Model, variables, views });

plugins.autoLoad(app, { adapter });

S3Persistence plugin

It stores the user’s session attributes in a file in an S3 bucket. You can use this plugin when you host your Node.js code with the Alexa-Hosted skills feature. For more details about how this work, check the official documentation.

If you host your code in your own AWS account and plan to use S3 as an storage alternative, keep in mind that you cannot do any Scan or Query operations from S3 and the time to storage and get info is a little longer than DynamoDB.


s3Persistence(app[, config])

S3Persistence plugin uses app.onRequestStarted to load data every time the user sends a request to the skill S3Persistence plugin uses app.onBeforeReplySent to store the user’s session data before sending a response back to the skill

  • app (VoxaApp) – The stateMachineSkill.
  • config – An object with a bucketName key for the S3 bucket to store the info. A pathPrefix key in case you want to store this info in a folder. An aws key if you want to initialize the S3 object with specific values, and an s3Client key, in case you want to provide an S3 object already initialized.


const app = new VoxaApp({ Model, variables, views });

const s3PersistenceConfig = {
  bucketName: 'MY_S3_BUCKET',
  pathPrefix: 'userSessions',

plugins.s3Persistence(app, s3PersistenceConfig);