.. _alexa-event: The ``alexaEvent`` Object =========================== .. js:class:: AlexaEvent(event, lambdaContext) The ``alexaEvent`` object contains all the information from the Alexa event, it's an object kept for the entire lifecycle of the state machine transitions and as such is a perfect place for middleware to put information that should be available on every request. .. js:attribute:: AlexaEvent.model The default middleware instantiates a ``Model`` and makes it available through ``alexaEvent.model`` .. js:attribute:: AlexaEvent.intent.params The alexaEvent object makes ``intent.slots`` available through ``intent.params`` after aplying a simple transformation so ``{ slots: [{ name: 'Dish', value: 'Fried Chicken' }] }`` becomes ``{ Dish: 'Fried Chicken' }``