Welcome to Voxa’s documentation!


Voxa is distributed via npm

$ npm install voxa --save

Initial Configuration

Instantiating a StateMachineSkill requires a configuration specifying your Views and Variables.

'use strict';
const Voxa = require('voxa');
const views = require('./views'):
const variables = require('./variables');

const skill = new Voxa({ variables, views });

Responding to alexa events

Once you have your skill configured responding to events is as simple as calling the skill.execute method

const skill = require('./MainStateMachine');

exports.handler = function handler(event, context) {
  skill.execute(event, context)

Responding to an intent event

skill.onIntent('HelpIntent', (alexaEvent) => {
  return { reply: 'HelpIntent.HelpAboutSkill' };

skill.onIntent('ExitIntent', (alexaEvent) => {
  return { reply: 'ExitIntent.Farewell' };

Project Samples

To help you get started the state machine has a number of example projects you can use.

Starter Kit

This is the simplest project, it defines the default directory structure we recommend using with voxa projects and has an example serverless.yml file that can be used to deploy your skill to a lambda function.

My First Podcast

In this example you will see how to implement a podcast skill by having a list of audios in a file (podcast.js) with titles and urls. It implements all audio intents allowed by the audio background feature and handles all the playback requests dispatched by Alexa once an audio has started, stopped, failed, finished or nearly to finish. Keep in mind the audios must be hosted in a secure server.

Account Linking

A more complex project that shows how to work with account linking and make responses using the model state. It uses serverless to deploy your account linking server and skill to lambda, create a dynamodb table to store your account linking and create an s3 bucket to store your static assets. It also has a gulp task to upload your assets to S3