.. _reply: The ``reply`` Object ==================== .. js:class:: Reply(alexaEvent, [message]) The ``reply`` object is used by the framework to render Alexa responses, it takes all of your ``statements``, ``cards`` and ``directives`` and generates a proper json response for Alexa :param AlexaEvent alexaEvent: :param message: A message object .. js:function:: Reply.append(message) Adds statements to the ``Reply`` :param message: An object with keys ``ask``, ``tell``, ``say``, ``reprompt``, ``card`` or ``directives`` keys. Or another ``reply`` object :returns: the ``Reply`` object .. js:function:: Reply.toJSON() :returns: An object with the proper format to send back to Alexa, with statements wrapped in SSML tags, cards, reprompts and directives